Dynamism Biohack Podcast: How to Make the Right Nutritious Choices Despite Conflicting Expert Opinions
Dynamism Biohack Podcast: How to Make the Right Nutritious Choices Despite Conflicting Expert Opinions
Dr. Matt Hammett: Chiropractor, Wellness & Nutrition Expert and Lifestyle Trainer and Movement Enthusiast practicing chiropractic in Merrillville, IN

The Dynamism Biohack Podcast will show you the latest tips and tricks of how to make the right choice in nutrition, chiropractic and lifestyle medicine. Starting from the basics we will show you how to start living well and the best ways to choose nutrition despite conflicting experts. We will share tips for improving your health, self image and quality of life more quickly and effectively than ever. Don't be like a Caged person who simply goes with the flow of life. Become a Dynamic person, who knows how to make informed choice about their health. That's Dynamism. Subscribe at https://www.newlifefamilychiropractic.net/listen/


How to Make the Right Nutritious Choices Despite Conflicting Expert Opinions! Listen to discussion on the latest tips and tricks of how to make the right choice in nutrition and lifestyle medicine including alignment & body mechanics, movement nutrition, natural movement and how movement could be the solution to ailments we all experience. For more insights, check out Dr. Matt’s discussion on 102.3 FM Christian Radio on the Dynamism Biohack and the five pillars of health.

Some of my Favorite Episodes


Episode #1

Your Inner Aborigine

In this episode I talk about the root of Dynamism, which is tapping into Your Inner Aborigine. The do’s and don’t of choosing nutrition and why many experts have fallen prey. I discuss why Nutrition Science is like surgery in the year 1650. How a trusted nutrition guru can off the deep end. Where chronic diseases really come from and how to Defeat it with food.

Episode #2

Avoid Industrial Factory Foods
In this episode I’m going to explain why eating food that never rots, will shorten your life. I’m going to explain why nutrition experts always conflict with each other, after all, the science they use ain’t even human; it’s rat and animals. I discuss how a preservative is actually an antibiotic designed to lengthen shelf life and shorten yours.

Episode #5

Metabolic Switches
In this training, I’m going to explain what to do when your doctor tells you to count your calories.  Because listening to this advice,
could kill you!
I discuss how to be diet-free forever! Stop counting calories because calories do not equal a calorie. The key difference between Fast acting versus Slow acting carbohydrates.

Episode #12

Rebuilding The Brain Through Spinal Motion
In this training I’m going to explain why 90% of normal brain function is stimulated through the movement of your spine and how we were designed to translate that motion every day. I discuss how big brains coincided with the intricate physical movement of the spine. How stress and inflammation are a normal adaptive process that builds our brain. How spinal movement sends input into the brain that releases a cascade of neurobiological molecules.

Episode #14

NASA, Gravity & Movement Paradox
In this training I’m going to look at what NASA discovered about our sedentary lifestyles and how it surprisingly is similar to the gravity-free lifestyles of astronauts in space. In space, Astronaut’s health rapidly deteriorates outside of gravity’s pull. I discuss: Why when astronauts leave for space, their health suffers How movement charges the brain and most tissues, and cells in the body Why movement is not the same as exercise.

Episode #15

How To Eat A Dinosaur
Nutrition has to do, not only with food, or how well you eat, it has to do with how well you move and how well you Think! The bulk of human psychology research also came from rats. To determine health for humans, we need to tap into our inner aborigine. I discuss what we can learn from an ancient civilization called the Korowai people who lived in tree-houses and how to develop a system for change that works for you with the power of Kaizen.

Deliver real, measurable results, that’s what we do best.
“We want you feeling as close to 100% as possible and we won’t be satisfied until that happens!”

The Dynamism Biohack Podcast based on The 5 Pillars of a Dynamic Health
They are lifestyle changes that work together to enable your body to function as efficiently as possible so you can get into optimum physical condition and disarm disease before it begins to develop.
Northwest Indiana Chiropractor

The neurology and structure are so often the forgotten book ends. Chiropractic lifestyle care is the super glue that holds your five pillars together. Remember, it’s about how well you eat, move, think, connect, and cope with stress; it has little to do with genetic fate. How well you choose your 5 pillars determines your health outcome. How well you move is an essential nutrient most experts don’t know enough about. Let us help you with your 5 pillars today so we can put your lifestyle disease in the past.

Learn more about how chiropractic care may benefit you

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Dynamism Biohack Podcast: How to Make the Right Nutritious Choices Despite Conflicting Expert Opinions
Dynamism Biohack Podcast: How to Make the Right Nutritious Choices Despite Conflicting Expert Opinions
Dr. Matt Hammett: Chiropractor, Wellness & Nutrition Expert and Lifestyle Trainer and Movement Enthusiast practicing chiropractic in Merrillville, IN

The Dynamism Biohack Podcast will show you the latest tips and tricks of how to make the right choice in nutrition, chiropractic and lifestyle medicine. Starting from the basics we will show you how to start living well and the best ways to choose nutrition despite conflicting experts. We will share tips for improving your health, self image and quality of life more quickly and effectively than ever. Don't be like a Caged person who simply goes with the flow of life. Become a Dynamic person, who knows how to make informed choice about their health. That's Dynamism. Subscribe at https://www.newlifefamilychiropractic.net/listen/